Case Studies

Health Center A

Before partnering with PC340B, Health Center A was experiencing revenue loss and operational inefficiencies in their 340B program. PC340B conducted a thorough analysis, provided compliance training, and tailored strategies to optimize their program. After 6 months of working with PC340B, Health Center A saw a significant increase in revenue and operational efficiency.  Their program revenue increased by nearly 10X.  Reviewing the covered entities contracts, implementing new optomized workflows, and developing sofisticated monitoring tools to accurately budget program income.

Health Center B (In-house pharmacy)

Health Center B faced similar challenges of revenue loss and inefficiency before engaging with PC340B. PC340B implemented customized compliance training and monitored their 340B program closely. The outcome was a noticeable improvement in revenue and operational efficiency within 6 months of collaboration.  Major changes to the in-house pharmacy and related contracts lead to impressive increases in both pharmacy utiliztion and med adherence.  At the end of the day PC340B provide elbow to elbow services that our customers have come to realize, that we are more than consultants, we are their partners.

Ready to optimize your 340B program?

Contact us today for a free analysis and tailored strategies.